How To Reset Your Des Moines System
An important advantage of having your security system set up professionally is that you seldom have to concern yourself with it. Even so, there will likely be a couple situations where you must reset your alarms in Des Moines. If you’re utilizing the ADT Command interface, a reset typically needs only one or two tap of a button when you’ve experienced a false alarm, power outage, or battery change.
Check Your Instruction Manual Before Resetting Your Alarm
One note of caution before you start resetting your Des Moines home security system, read your instruction manual prior to proceeding. You don't want to undermine your home’s protection because you hit something incorrectly. In addition, your system may have changed if you upgraded from a numerical keypad to a digital command hub. Keep in mind that if you’re unable to figure out how to reset your system, don't worry as you can always reach out to the experts.
Resetting Your Des Moines Security System Due To A False Alarm
Typically, a false alarm happens as a result of a sensor that was tripped by accident. You are able to engage the control panel or open your ADT security app and tap the shield option and type in your unique passcode to deactivate the alarms in these situations. You could be contacted by your monitoring professionals, but just tell them you experienced a false alarm.
Tips To Reset Your Alarm Following A Power Outage In Des Moines
If power is lost from high winds or other factors, you might start to hear a beeping sound from your control panel. That indicates that the alarm is running off the secondary power source. To reset the alarm and silence the constant chirping, you should deactivate and reactivate your system.
Keep in mind, if power is out for an extended time, you could need a total reset of your home’s security. Follow the instructions in the manual -- usually by putting in your unique passcode and tapping the on/off button two times -- and you should be running fine. You might still hear chirps from the backup power, as it’s possible it won’t cease until the battery charges entirely. Call your home security specialists if you keep having difficulties with your ADT controls a day after power is restored.
Reset Your Home Security System After Changing A Battery
On occasion you need to change a battery powering one of your security devices. To do this, you want to switch your alarm system to Test Mode so you prevent setting off a false alarm. When the you replace the old battery, move the system from "Test Mode" and revert back to your usual settings. If the control panel fails to register the device or the battery indicator remains on, you might require a whole system reset.
Tips to Reset Your Des Moines Security System When Adding Or Removing A User
Removing or adding users can be completed on the ADT Command panel and the ADT Control mobile app. You shouldn't require a system reset after adding or removing codes. With that being said, if you find yourself moving to a new property already equipped with an ADT alarm system, you should reach out to your residential security experts at (515) 212-6493 to establish a new service. The installer will go on site to switch out components, install other alarms or cameras (as required), and do a factory reset.
A Well-Designed Security System Is The Right Choice
Resetting a home security system in Des Moines will likely be a challenge if it doesn’t have understandable devices and controls. If you would like to acquire your functional and powerful home security system, call (515) 212-6493 or submit the form below. Our team is ready to design the right security system for your residence.